Breastfeeding Kit
Breastfeeding Kit

Breastfeeding Kit

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This kit is a lifesaver when breastfeeding! If you're having any difficulties feeding it can help threatened mastitis, fevers, cracked nipples, can increase milk supply, help ease itching or stinging breasts and ease upset mummas that may have 'baby blues'.

We use these remedies when breastfeeding and continue to use a number of the remedies for the entire family. Buying this breastfeeding kit is much more economical than purchasing these remedies individually. 

Kit includes;

Belladonna 6c: An excellent remedy for the first 24 hours of the acute inflammatory process. Use up to hourly for threatened mastitis, especially where there is fever, heat, congestion and possibly throbbing pain. Bryonia or Phytolacca can follow well after Belladonna.

Bryonia 6c: Similar to Belladonna but slower in onset. The pain is worse from movement and heat and the breast is hard, swollen, pale and hot. Irritable and grumpy.

Phytolacca 6c: The breasts are inflamed, hard, nodular, lumpy and painful when feeding. Nipples cracked and sore with pains that radiate. There can be a heavy flu like feeling. Helps drainage of blockages and reduces glandular swelling.

Pulsatilla 6c: Breast milk can be very changeable; watery, suppressed or blocked or flow profusely. The flow may be quite variable. Suits mild, yielding women who are easily brought to tears. Feel worse in a warm room and much better in open air. They are also thirstless.

Sepia 6c: Symptoms include cracks that are deep, very sore. They often appear across the crown. The mental, emotional picture would usually be present as well with feelings of irritability and indifference towards the baby and family. Wants to be left alone.

Urtica urens 6c: Supply is low or overabundant, with no obvious cause. There is little desire to express milk and store it. Breasts can be itchy and swollen with stinging pains. 

Tissue Salt Combination 6x: (Calc P, Kali P, Nat M, Silica)  A combination of low potency homoeopathics to be taken on an on-going basis to support lactation. Take 2 – 3 doses a day.

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